Call For Abstract

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Call for Abstract Submit Your Abstract and Get Published..!!

The 18th Indonesian Society of Hypertension Scientific Meeting committee invites you to submit your abstracts of original research or case report which are related to the main topic of the congress or the hypertension field. The Scientific Abstract Reviewer Committee will evaluate and select the abstracts based on quality, clarity and relevance on the main topic or hypertension field.


General Policies

  1. All abstracts must be prepared according to the correct format and requirements. Submissions will be returned to the author if not in the correct format and should be resubmitted to the committee with the exact format.
  2. Abstracts submission will only be received online through The 18th Indonesian Society of Hypertension Scientific Meeting Registration website through the submission form.
  3. Faxed or mailed hard-copy abstract or abstract sent on disc/CD will not be accepted.
  4. There will be no limit to the number of abstracts for an author to submit.
  5. The Scientific Abstract Reviewer Committee will evaluate and select all abstracts for Young Investigator Award (YIA), Oral Presentation, Moderated Poster Presentation, and Poster Display.
  6. Abstract submission will be opened until January 5th 2024
  7. Notification of abstracts acceptance will be given to the presenting authors via email at the latest on January 26th, 2024.
  8. All presenting authors, whose abstracts are accepted, must be paid registrants. Abstracts will not be processed until an abstract registration fee has been received.
  9. Best YIA, oral and moderated poster presentation will be announced and rewarded in the congress on February 25th, 2024.

 Abstract Format Guidelines

  1. Language English (Clear with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication)
  2. Title Abstract titles should be concise and should not contain Please use Title Case and make sure to bold the entire title. Example: Title of Abstract
  3. Author First name (s) or initials of first name (s) followed by family name.
  4. Affiliation details of all authors: Department; institution/hospital; city; country.
  5. Body
    1. Submit through abstract submission form
    2. Abstracts must not exceed a 250-word limit. The word limit relates only to the text of the abstract and does not include title, authors and institutions.
    3. The abstract should be concise and present :
      1. For Case Report : introduction, case illustration, discussion, result and conclusion.
      2. For Research : background, objective, method, result and conclusion.
    4. No picture or graphic allowed in the abstract.


  1. The YIA will be awarded to young or non-established investigators.
  2. Age of applicants is less than 40 years old.
  3. All applicants must submit an abstract to be the presented in the 18th InaSH Meeting.
  4. Only original research abstracts were considered for YIA.
  5. The committee will evaluate the abstract which is categorized as YIA.
  6. If accepted as YIA, applicants should submit e-Poster (JPEG format) and presentation slide (PPT format) through our submission form.
  7. Applicants will present their paper in YIA session in 18th InaSH Meeting directly.
  8. e-Posters will be displayed during 18th InaSH Meeting.
  9. The winner will be announced and rewarded during the 18th InaSH Meeting closing ceremony on February 25th, 2024